First Thursday Opening Reception: October 5, 5-8pm
Artists Talk with Clint Brown, Barbara Black, Linda Neufer and Monica Mitchell: Saturday, October 14, 2pm
Clint Brown
Out West — Clint Brown, mixed media on paper, 30" x 44"
The mixed-media paintings in Remembering are primarily about color and texture, says Clint Brown, painted to give the viewer an aesthetic experience rather than a narrative. The abstraction-based works incorporate recognizable, seemingly unrelated, images—salmon, a cowboy on horseback, roses, computer circuitry, maps of downtown Portland. To Brown’s way of seeing, these images are, in fact, related and have particular relevance for the Pacific Northwest. While Portland is home to the Silicon Forest, it’s also where cowboys once rode the range, and salmon still run on their homeward migration. In our modern, technological world, says Brown, we romanticize about living in Bonanzaland. This is a form of remembering.
Another kind of remembering is at work in the exhibit. Young salmon on their way to the sea carry a memory of the route back to their birthplace, computer chips hold massive amounts of information we can retrieve at will, and musical scores enable musicians to recall the sounds of symphonies centuries after they were written. With subtlety and formal skill, Brown draws connections both overt and subliminal, pointing us towards connections we share with nature, place and culture.
In and Out of Darkness
Barbara Black and Linda Neufer

Tower of Babel — Barbara Black, mixed media on paper, 16" x 12"
Dog Star — Linda Neufer,
mixed media on paper, 24" x 16"
Barbara Black, a founding artist and 45-year veteran of Blackfish Gallery joins with fellow painter and longtime colleague Linda Neufer for this exhibit that plums a mutual interest in dreams and the mysteries of the creative process. Both artists are steeped in Jungian teachings, as well as influences from Carlos Castaneda, William Blake and Eastern philosophical writings. And both welcome the unconscious as muse.
Black’s work relies on “the unexpected compositional structures and imagery which emerge of their own volition” when she works with watery acrylic washes. As she paints, “improbable land- and waterscapes, symbols, architecture, patterns and figures (human and animal) reveal themselves.”
Neufer turns to personal poetry, meditations and dreams as source material for her art practice, combining language with visual forms to clarify and sharpen meanings. Her end goal, she says, is to transfer an inner world to the outer world to inform her as she works and lives.
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the source of all true art and science."
— Albert Einstein
Los Caprichos — Monica Mitchell
The Doctor is Excellent — Monica Mitchell, photograph, 10" x 8"
“The essential question for me when making this work is what happens when you combine Goya with Barbie?” Upon this original provocation, Mitchell launched the creation of her installation, comprised of still life objects, found objects, clothing, shoes and a trunk of Barbie clothes and Barbie dolls.
Los Caprichos, which is Spanish for “whims” or “follies” is the title Francisco Goya gave to a prodigious series of prints he published in 1799 that depict the foibles of civilized society. Mitchell’s critique of contemporary mores focuses on consumerism and accumulation as a means to describe status and wealth. She bases the compositions of photographic prints embedded in the installation on Goya’s imagery.